What Does A Wedding Baker Actually Do?

Planning a wedding can be an exciting journey, but as you start thinking about all the details, decisions, and research involved, it can quickly become overwhelming. As the time commitment and cost rise, you may begin to wonder how you can cut corners. However, when you look back on your wedding day, you don’t want to see all the places where you pinched pennies. You want to be flooded with great memories, including the look and taste of your wedding dessert. This is where an expert wedding baker can step in and guide you through deciding on your wedding desserts and ensuring that you remember all parts of your wedding day with joy.

Wedding bakers are industry experts who specialize in weddings and special events. This means they not only bake delicious and beautiful desserts, but they have expertise in handling the logistics of a wedding and large event, while respecting the  budget for your wedding and executing your vision.

Many bakeries, like Yellowcake Desserts, offer a variety of packages and services such as cutting cakes to full service dessert tables that include set up and clean up. These packages and offerings may vary between companies, however, at the core of what these packages include is ensuring that you get the desserts that YOU want. Sounds simple right? The reality is your baker may spend countless hours crafting the look of your cake and/ or dessert table before they even begin to bake for your big day. This doesn’t include the time it takes to deliver and set up for your wedding day as well. And while driving seems to be a basic skill, driving a wedding cake to a venue off of a small dirt road surrounded by marshes isn’t for the weak!

Let’s break down some of the services a baker might be responsible for when it comes to weddings:

  • Helps you decide how many desserts and the best type of desserts based on your guest count, wedding vibe and budget.

  • Delivers, sets up and even provides rental items for the dessert table so you have one less thing to worry about.

  • Works with you to create a cake and dessert spread unique to you, even suggesting and implementing special touches such as favorite colors, favorite flowers or things that speak to your unique love story.

  • Take the time to look up your venue and the surrounding area to ensure a smooth delivery to the venue .

  • Keep a file with necessary order information, venue information, and licenses.

While these are some of the essential services, there are countless other tasks that your baker can do to ensure a stress-free and enjoyable experience for you and your loved ones. Some of these unknown services are:

  1. Make a box of desserts for you to take home in case all the dessert is eaten by guests.

  2. Bring extra flowers, vases, and cake stands just in case an extra is needed

  3. Bring a cake kit in the event that any cakes/ desserts need extra TLC (like when a guest drops a water bottle on the cupcakes- true story!)

  4. Make sure the cake stand is stable so it doesn’t fall when you cut the cake.

  5. Clean up at the end of the night and make sure platters and stands are removed and returned to their owners so you don’t have to.

  6. Explain to your parents why a dessert table is also a good option for your wedding.

  7. Watch the dessert table to make sure guests don’t eat all of the dessert before you’ve had a chance to see your desserts and take pictures.

Ultimately, a wedding baker is an investment that brings expertise, experience, and peace of mind to your special day.  Trust us and know that we have your best interests at heart. Follow us @yellowcake_desserts for new blog announcements and more helpful information about desserts.

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